“Abituri” hours for the 12th form, previously conducted as voluntary attendance classes, have now become mandatory review sessions in all subjects for the National High School Exams. “Abituri” hours are included in the National Curriculum, which describes them as opportunities to review classmaterial in preparation for the 2010-2011 High School Exams. The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Dimitri Shashkini, attended a geography lesson “Abituri” hour in Tbilisi Public School №151.
Giving “Abituri” hours in the subjects that are not taught in the 12th form is particularly important to help students prepare for the National Exams. These subjects are: geography, biology and physics.
“Abituri” hours focus on helping 12th form pupils review material to pass High School exams rather than introducing new class material; students do not receive scores or marks during “Abituri” hours.
Last year, Georgian High School exams were conducted via computers for the first timeas part of an examination model called “CAT”. The project was successful; revealing that all pupils received a high level of preparation. This year’s exams will held in the end of 2011-2012 academic year in all general educational institutions on the same day.