

Dear Minister, Distinguished Guests! I would like to respond to the statement of the Secretary General and to congratulate on achieved progress! Education is a fundamental human right and, therefore, this issue must be a cornerstone of our work in the field of education during the next years.
38th session of UNESCO General Conference and sessions of the education are taking place in Paris, in which the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze and the Deputy Minister Giorgi Sharvashidze are participating.
Tbilisi "komarov" Physics-Mathematical boarding school № 199 has become 50. The school celebrated its anniversay with a solemn ceremony in which the representatives of government, international and the private organizations and non-governmental sector participated. The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Lia Gigauri and Tbilisi Mayor Davit Narmania opened the event.
The first Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Ketevan Natriashvili opened the first international two-day conference on the topic “Tourism and Vocational Education of the XXI Century” at Tbilsii Proffesional College “Ikarosi.” 
The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Lia Gigauri continues visits public schools. Today, Lia Gigauri paid a visit to Tbilisi Public School №186 and got personally acquainted with performed rehabilitation works. Also, Deputy Minister expressed her interest in teaching process and generally in the school needs as well.
ETF (Enterprise Georgia and European Training Foundation) conducted research in the partner countries, where those groups of citizens were studied who do not work, do not study and are not involved in any kind of training ( "NEET"). According to international survey, percentage of such groups is alarmingly high in Georgia.
In the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia next meeting was held with students’ work group from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. The Minister Tamar Sanikidze and Deputy Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Revaz Javelidze attended the meeting.
Starting from 2014-2015 academic year, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia has started restoration of medical rooms in the public schools. Throughout the country, doctor’s new office has been opened in up to 300 public schools, which is equipped with the necessary equipment, medicines and other necessary resources.
Rewarding of the excellent pupils continues. Today, the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze, Tbilisi Mayor Davit Narmania and the Chairman of Tbilisi City Council Giorgi Alibegashvili presented the personal computers to 356 tenth grade pupils of Tbilisi public schools. 
During the visit to the Federal Republic of Germany, The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze and the first Deputy Minister Ketevan Natriashvili visited secondary school in twin town of Telavi - Biberakhi of Baden-Württemberg district and met with school management, teachers and pupils.
In October 2015, national intellect championship "Etaloni-Tbilisi” started. At the current stage, schools from 4 Tbilisi district got involved: Gldani, Chugureti, Mtatsminda and Didube. Schools from the rest 6 districts will participate in the intellect championship in 2016.
In the framework of Vocational Education Reform, the final meetings of the Georgian delegation were held in Berlin, in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and in the Embassy of Georgia.
In the current year, different rehabilitation works have been done in 115 Tbilisi public schools, 50 schools have been equipped with doctor’s office, construction of two new schools will begin before the end of year, and next year will also mark laying foundations to construction of two more.
Within the framework of Vocational Education Reform, Georgian delegation is continuing meetings planned in the Federal Republic of Germany. Today, the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze met with her counterpart Manfred Shtele in Shtoutgart, at the Ministry of Education and Culture of Baden-Württemberg.
Georgia is hosting the regional forum on cre conference on promoting employement and national labour market development. The forum was opened by the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Garibashvili. More than 130 delegates are participating in the forum.
The conference on the subject  ”Monitoring of Inclusive Education in Georgia”  was held in Tbilisi, organized by Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia the Association "Dea”.
In the framework of the Vocational Education Reform, Georgian delegation is in Germany. Members of the delegation members, led by Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze with with the Secretary of State Georg Aizenraikh at Bavarian State Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and the Arts. 
The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Lie Gigauri, the Deputy Tbilisi Mayor Irakli Lekvinidze and the Head of National Agency of Kindergartens Temur Tordinava falimiarized today with implementation ot the School Readiness Program at Tbilisi Kindergarten №63.   
In the new academic year, the school Resource Officers entered for the first time of 8 public schools of 3 regions and started performing their responsibilities. Office of Resource Officers was launched at village Karadjali public school of Telavi Municipality, at village Sadakhlo Public School of Marneuli Municipality, at the public schools of Gardabani Municipality villages - Gamarjveba,... Read More
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar visited fully rehabilitated Lesichine Public School of Chkhorotsku District and met with teachers and pupils. School building, which was in highly poor condition for year, has been completely renovated and equipped according to modern standards. School has been adapted for children with special educational needs.
The events in honor of the creative work of Vazha Pshavela continue. Today, pupils participating in the School Theatre Festival arrived in the native village Chargali of classic of Georgian literature, poet and writer. At Vazha-Pshavela House Museum, pupils presented performances staged based on Vazha’s works and also read their poetries.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze and other leadership of the Ministry continue meetings with the teachers from Tbilisi and regions. This time the meeting was held with school principals and teachers of Martvili District schools.
At the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, the first meeting with Tbilisi State University students  working group was held, in which the Minister Tamar Sanikidze and Deputy Minister Giorgi Sharvashidze participated. 
A meeting was held with semi-finalists, who passed second stage of grant contest of Vocational Education Project initiated by the Millennium Challenge Account – Georgia.The Executive Manager of Millennium Challenge Account – Georgia Magda Magradze opened the event.  
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze continues rewarding of the excellent pupils. Today, the Minister presented the personal computers to 134 tenth grade pupils of Kutaisi public schools.  Among the awarded, there were pupils of Abkhazia Public School #5 and #6 5located in Kutaisi.
On the initiative of Tbilisi Municipality Council, the musical and art competition ‘Tbilisi’ was held. The nominations are distributed to the categories including the best prose work of the year, poetic work, song, artwork, sculpture, architectural work, photographic work, thematic essay- ‘My Tbilisi’ for the students of school age and the special prize of the jury for a... Read More
Iakob Gogebashvili 175th anniversary was celebrated in Nodar Dumbadze named Youth Theatre on the initiative of Writers Union. The event was attended by many respectable guests, including the minister of education and science of Georgia, Tamar Sanikidze.
Tamar Sanikidze continues to visit and observe current needs at renewed schools. This time, the minister visited the municipality of Tchkhorotskhu village Tchogha school. She got aware of the rebuilt works carried out in summer and awarded school respected teacher Davit Dikhaminjia with the ministry honour –  badge ‘Amagdari’.
International experts positively evaluated the conference named ‘Reducing the risk of disaster in education’ which was held in Batumi. The representative of European Union/ECHO in south Caucasus and central Asia, Karl Alfonso declared support for the future collaboration on the project.
Katchreti community college ‘Aisi’ has celebrated its 35th anniversary, which was attended by the first deputy of the Minister of Education and Science Ketevan Natriashvili, as well as respectable representatives of the art and other invited guests.
224 tenth grade pupils in Achara were awarded by the minister with computers. Tamar Sanikidze gave the presents to the pupils who graduated from basic stage school education with high academic merits.
The Minister of Education and science of Georgia, Tamar Sanikidze, congratulated Batumi University 80th anniversary. She took part in various ceremonials and accompanying with Chairman of the Government of Adjara ASSR, Archil Khabadze, awarded university professors and academic staff with medals of honor and deeds.
On the basis of the collaborative initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and the Ministry of Education and Research of Norway priorities in future perspective was given to implementing effective services for cochlear implant need people in terms of educational and rehabilitation development.
The minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze and the Mayor of Tbilisi, Davit Narmania held a joint press conference regarding the ‘school readiness program’ registration. 
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Tamar Sanikidze held a meeting with ‘Volkswagen’ General secretary Wilhelm Krul and other representatives of the fund.  The sides discussed the perspectives the educational development and financing different educational programs at the direction of doctoral degree stage in terms of teaching and researching.
In order to support development of vocational education and prolong future collaboration between Georgia and Estonia, the meeting was held in the hotel Tbilisi Marriot within the framework of the project ‘Sharing successful experience of Estonia to support vocational education development in Georgia’, where future perspectives between Georgia and Estonia were discussed.
Applicants registered for the examinations will be tested on 11th October from 9:00am. The dates and places for exams as well as pre-tests are indicated on the test cards, which has been started to issue since 6th of October at educational resource centers, informational centers, colleges and higher educational institutions.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia held a meeting with Nuclear research European Organization CERN scientific Doctor Sergio Bertoluchi and CERN international relationship office advisor Christoph Shefer.
In the Library exhibition hall of the national library of the parliament of Georgia, the presentation of a new English translated version of the poem ‘The Knight In The Panther Skin’ was held. In last 40 years, new translation of ‘The Knight In The Panther skin’ has come out, which is the first poetic translation of 16 syllable poem.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Tamar Sanikidze and Minister of Labor, Health and Social Affairs Davit Sergeenko visited newly rehabilitated N200 public school. School offers modern learning environment with universal design and satisfies all the standards to create proper environment for the children with special needs.
The minister of Science an education of Georgia, Tamar Sanikidze hosted the Minister of Education of Azerbaijan Mikayl Jabbarov. The two sides discussed education systems in their countries and future perspectives.
The Minister of education and Science of Georgia, Tamar Sanikidze attended to vocational education testing at community college ‘Mermisi’, where the students with special needs and disabilities were tested.
To celebrate twenty years of successful cooperation in the scientific field of Germany and Georgia, the memorandum was signed by member of board of directors the Jülich research center, Sebastian Schmidt’ and minister of education and science of Gerogia Tamar Sanikidze. Signature of the protocol between ministry and Jülich centre preceded this fact.
Within the framework of the project ‘sharing a successful experience of Estonia in order to support the development of vocational education in Georgia’, first deputy minister Ketevan Natriashvili attended the conference named ‘Festival of Vocational Education Development’.
Three days long National Qualifications Framework. The regional conference named ‘Mutual learning for better qualifications’ concerning to national qualification framework and curriculum development opens. 
The ministry of Education and science of Georgia LEPL School Resource Officers of Educational Institutions and National Association of School Resource Officers US made joint press conference about the issue: ‘safe school’. The deputy minister, Lia Gigauri attended the event.
International day of the teacher is celebrated on 5th of October. The National center of teacher training of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia hold a solemn meeting. More than 100 teachers attended the event. 
The ministry of Internally Displaced People from the Occupied Territories, Accommodation and Refugees, organized an event where IDP livelihood action plan was discussed. 
Millennium Challenge Account starts Millennium Innovation new contest for school students. Magda Magradze, the executive director of Millennium Challenge Account, announced about the competition today. 
More than 1000 pupils of Sagaredjo Municipality village Lambalo will start academic year in a new, modern standards school. The building of one of the largest school is in an active stage ant it will finish in a few months. 
Another rectors’ council session was held, which opened the deputy minister of Education and Science of Georgia Giorgi Sharvashidze. The participant members of the Rectors Council session were rectors from different private and state universities.
The Minister of education and science of Georgia, Tamar Sanikidze, the chairperson of Central Election Commission Tmar Zhvania,the director of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Training Natia Zaalishvili signed the memorandum of cooperation.
In 2013, The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia in the process of implementation inclusive education, determined the education of hearing impaired pupils and students as one of the most Prioritized issues. One of the most important issues is to actively involve parents in the process of children education.
The ministry of education and science of Georgia holds about 20 Olympiads and competitions every year, where a great number of students of general education institutions are involved. 
Within the framework of United Nations Development Program ‘skills for employment- phase II’, Quality management system ISO 9001-2008 was implemented in community college ‘Iberia’ and vocational college ‘Fazisi’.
The whole Europe celebrates 26th of September, European Day of Languages. This is the third annual celebration in Georgia.  European Day of Languages was proclaimed by the Council of Europe in 2001 in order to celebrate cultural diversity in Europe. 
Student gala concert held which was initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. Tamar Sanikidze, the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, The Mayor of city of Tbilisi Davit Narmania and state minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Georgia Davit Bakradze congratulated the beginning of a new academic year.
A ceremonial meeting with successful graduates was held at Tbilisi #51 public school. The Minister of education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze, Rectors of the universities, representatives and invited guests attended the ceremony.
The whole Europe celebrates 26th of September, European Day of Languages. This is the third annual celebration in Georgia.  European Day of Languages was proclaimed by the Council of Europe in 2001 in order to celebrate cultural diversity in Europe. 
The deadline for the registration on vocational programs is 27 September. Every day hundreds of people register for their desired programs at state vocational institutions, resource centers or at establishments providing various vocational programs.
The last day for the registration is 27 September of current year. Every day, hundreds of students register for their desired programs at the state vocational institutions and various community colleges across the whole country. There are programs, where the amount of registered people on a certain program exceeds the acceptable contingent.
Today, on 23 September, tripartite memorandum was signed on, which includes implementing electronic chess programs at schools. Memorandum of Cooperation was signed by Tamar Sanikidze (The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia), Tariel Khechikashvili (Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs), and Giorgi Giorgadze (The president of Chess Federation).
Through the initiative of MagtiCom, historical content books have been published including ‘Georgia and Georgians’ and ‘Every Georgia’. Regarding to the start of a new academic year, mentioned books will be presented to all the public and private schools in Georgia by MagtiCom.
Within the framework of WorldSkill Georgia and through the assistance of German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), nationwide vocational education week has been held. The final event was held today in National Youth Palace, which was attended by Tamar Sanikidze.
2015-2016 Academic year has been started at Kokhumi State University. The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze congratulated the beginning of a new academic year to the students.
After the invitation by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNESCO General Director Eric Falt visited city of Batumi during 13-16 September within the framework of the event dedicated to 70th anniversary of UNESCO.
The ministry of Education and Science of Georgia finances rehabilitation and equipping works. The aim of this project is to increase the quality of higher education and conform to European standards. 
From September 14 to September 27 of the current year, the registration for vocational education programs is on and all the interested individuals have opportunities to master their desired professions through full funding. 
Throughout the history of Georgian science, two scientific journals will be placed on the biggest international scientific base ‘Elsevier’. The agreement was signed at Rustaveli National Science foundation of the ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
In order to increase competitiveness on the job market, The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and The Ministry of Labor Health and Social Affairs start training program. 
82 young Georgian Students will get US diploma in Tbilisi. San Diego State University Georgian program students were celebrated a start of a new academic year by the Prime Minister Irakli Gharibashvili,  the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze and the director of Millennium Challenge Account Magda Magradze.
From the beginning of a new academic year, the new scheme has been launched which is about teacher career start, professional development and career progression. The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of learning and therefore to get better general education system.
The minister of education and science of Georgia, Tamar Sanikidze and the Minister of Penitentiary, Probation and Legal Assistance Kakha Kakhishvili congratulated the beginning of the new academic year to juveniles. 
New school building was opened at village of Zeda Vani in Vani Municipality. The Deputy Minister of Education of Georgia Lia gigauri, First Deputy State Attorney-Governor of Kutaisi Paata Nadiradze and the member of the parliament Davit Lortkifanidze congratulated the students beginning of a new academic year and wished them success.
On 14 September new academic year started in public schools of Georgia. The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar sanikidze and the Prime Minister Irakli Gharibashvili congratulated the beginning of a new academic year to the pupils, teachers and parents from Mtskheta Municipality village of Tsilkani school.
New academic year of 2015-2016 has been started at Ivane Javakhishvili StateUniversity on 14 September. The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze, The Mayor of Tbilisi Davit Narmania and TSU Rector Academician Vladimir Papava congratulated students the beginning of a new academic year. The event was attended by the representatives of the ministry and academic circles.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia announces registration for vocational educational programs from 14 September to 27 September of current year. The registration will be open to more than 150 vocational programs, among which 45 programs are adopted to European standards.
The minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze gave a medal of honor to Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Emeritus, advisory board member of the Rectors Shota Tskhovrebashvili for personal contribution to the development of the field of Geomorphology in Georgia and for productive scientific activities.
Before the beginning of a new academic year, Tamar Sanikidze visited a number of schools as in Tbilisi, as well as in regions. She was introduced to the preparation process of a new academic year. 
The memorandum of cooperation was signed by the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze and The Minister of Justice Tea Tsulikiani. The mentioned memorandum will support civic integration of minorities through the strengthening of teaching the national language.
Goethe Institute starts new academic year with important and large-scale project. Specifically, the project called „Vernetzt für Nachhaltigkeit“ (come together for a sustainable future) continues and is financed by the Ministry of Foreign affairs of Germany. The project aims to support various forms of collaboration in the field of sustainable education.
Millennium Challenge Foundation-Georgia held advisory meeting for the Professional Education Development grant competition. The event was attended by the representatives of vocational colleges and potential applicants of the competition. The event was held within the framework of the project ‘Vocational Education for Economic Development’. 
International conference called ‘Language and Technologies’ was opened at Ilia Tchavtchavadze named hall in the parliament of Georgia. The conference was opened by the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Tamar Sanikidze, Chairman of the Parliament Davit Usufashvili and the chairman of Committee of Education, Science and Culture Ivane Kighuradze.
In 2013, while the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia started implementation of inclusive education, one of the most important identified priorities was improvement of education quality to hearing impaired pupils and students.  Parents’ involvement in children education plays a crucial role in education quality assurance process.
A solemn MA graduation ceremony was held at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) .TSU Rector, Academician Vladimer Papava, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Ketevan Natriashvili, Defense Minister of Georgia, Tinatin Khidasheli, representatives of academic circles congratulated postgraduate students on completion of their master’s degrees.
In order to ensure the involvement of employers in vocational education, an important agreement was signed between Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Technological University of Georgia, and Georgian railway.
A tripartite agreement was signed between Tamar Sanikidze (Minister of Education and Science of Georgia), Gia Ghvaladze (Foreign affairs Director of the company BP), and Archil Prangishvili (Rector of Georgian Technical university).
Various trainings covering different issues are held for school directors aimed at their professional development. One of the issues is financial management and control. Tens of school directors have already been re-trained within the framework of project " Administrative and Financial Management Correction of a Public School’.
Minister of Education and Science of Georgia,Tamar Sanikidze visited several schools in Tbilisi and got acquainted with preparation process for a new academic year. Minister saw the text books which the students will be given to for a new academic year. 
Specific recommendations have been prepared by the MES Resource Officers institution through the involvement of Emergency Management Agency and public schools, in order to strengthen school security, prevent disciplinary violations in ordinary and emergency situations.
Two days long conference is being held at Ilia State University where Georgian academic society with foreign (primarily European) partners are introduced to novel principles of development and implementation of educational programs. 
Within the framework of the annual meeting of the heads of diplomatic representations of Georgia abroad - Ambassadorial Meeting – 2015, minister Tamar Sanikidze gave a speech about international cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
Within the framework of students social program, receiving applications for bachelor degree higher education program funding has been started. Concerning the mentioned issue, Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Tamar Sanikidze held a briefing.
The Minister of Education and Science of Georgia and the Deputy ministers continue introducing rehabilitation works being carried out at schools. This time, the Deputy Minister Lia Gigauri got acquinted with the infrastructural projects carried out in public schools in Gori municipality villages.
Representatives of the Ministry and Education of Georgia continue visits at schools and they get acquainted with preparation process for new academic year. This time, First Deputy Minister Ketevan Natriashvili and Deputy Minister Lia Gigauri visited several schools in Gori municipality.
Infrastructural projects have been carried out at Gori #4 public school, which was funded by The US Defense Department s European Command and was carried out by The US Embassy s Office of Defense Cooperation. 
The project initiated by the Ministry of Education and science of Georgia – ‘’English Language Summer School in Georgia’’ finished successfully. The project took place in Tskneti, on the base of Buckswood International school -Tbilisi and lasted for three months. 
The First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Ketevan Natriahvili got acquainted with the rehabilitation works being carried out at Telavi vocational College ‘’Prestige’’. 
12 successful students, winners of school Olympiads and many other competitions, arrived from the Great Britain. They did two weeks long English language intensive course at Heisting (England) English Language Summer School. 
Kachreti Vocational College "Aisi" branch located in Akhmeta Municipality village Kvemo Alvani, complete rehabilitation is being carried out.  Very soon, another modern standards vocational institution with renewed infrastructure will continue functioning. 

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