

The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia starts improvement of the situation existing in school canteens and regulation of this field - the problem has not been solved for many years in this regard. According to the specialists, unhealthy food products are available for schoolchildren in the school canteens, threatening the health of the young people.
A new model for training of vocational education teachers will be launched for the first time in vocational education, which is based on the best experience of Switzerland in this area and envisages introduction of additional university programs i.e. minors for acquisition of profession of the vocational education teachers. The first minors will be introduced in Ilia State University for the... Read More
“Georgia Days in San Diego” were organized by the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) and the San Diego State University on April 24-26, 2017.
Based on the modern international experience, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia introduced a new project “Work for Home Day” in a pilot mode for the first time in the public sector.
For the first time in Georgia, a two-day online international master class was held at the Georgian Technical University, organized by CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland), with the aim to promote physics among young people.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia signed the Memorandum of Cooperation with the National Youth and Children’s Palace for the purpose to increase the access to informal and school education for the first time in the history of education. 
Within the framework of the official visit to the United States of America, Aleksandre Jejelava held meetings with the US Department of State and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and met with the representatives of the World Bank and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science is paying an official visit to the United States of America. Today, Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science - Aleksandre Jejelava and Ambassador of Georgia in USA - David Bakradze met with the US Secretary of Education - Betsy Devois.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia moves into the format of cooperation with potential authors and for the purpose of their support, conducts the training-workshops on the issues of new textbook policies, copyright protection, preparation of school textbooks, modern methods and sustainable development of teaching, together with primary education project (G-PriEd).
Strengthening of international cooperation in the field of science and technology in the Silk Road countries; cooperation for development of joint fundamental researches; creation of academic exchange programs and promotion to mobility of scientists - these are the main directions, stipulated by the action plan of the program “Science-Talent-Future”, developed by the National Natural... Read More
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia continues active working on the new regulation of textbook approval and accompanying documents. The work process envisages improvement and further approval through close cooperation with field specialists and publishers.
Innovative ideas and the skills to use modern technology is the platform and actual opportunity for employment and self-employment. Development of entrepreneurship education within vocational education aims to create and develop this opportunity. 
Applicants registered for the vocational programs had the opportunity to take a pretest on April 22. Participation in the pretest was voluntary. The applicants could get acquainted with the testing process without any assessment.
Within the framework of the project “Free lessons” (art, sports, intellectual-cognitive and literacy clubs), the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, following to the need of procurement of resources necessary for the general education institutions throughout Georgia, calls for expression of interest to the organizations, interested in provision of necessary resources of... Read More
Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science continues meetings in the regions. This time, Aleksandre Jejelava held a workshop in Akhaltsikhe with approximately 300 teachers and attended the meeting of the Rectors Council.
Georgia is hosting the Regional Week of the European Research Council (ERC) for the first time on April 20-21. In 2017, the European Research Council (ERC) celebrates its 10th anniversary.
Three-day international educational exhibition is over in Dubai. At the exhibition, the dignified place was held by the Georgian universities next to the world’s leading universities. 
International Education Exhibition continues in Dubai, where the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, together with the universities of our country, successfully represents the project “Study in Georgia”.
Three-day International Educational Exhibition was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, which was opened by the Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science Aleksandre Jejelava and the Minister of Education of the United Arab Emirates Hussein Ibrahim Al Hamady. 
The company “Georgian Water and Power” has created a training center through close cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, which has no an analogue throughout the region
The member companies of the Business Association “Georgian Employers’ Association” (GEA) discussed the amendments to the Law of Georgia “On Vocational Education” together with Ketevan Natriashvili, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia.
Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science – Aleksandre Jejelava met with the representatives of the US Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) management team – Fatema Z. Sumar, Deputy Vice President of Millennium Challenge Corporation, and Jonathan Brux, Managing Director of the Corporation.
A new draft law was prepared to create a strong legal basis for implementation of the state priorities in the vocational education field, which was discussed through participation of the representatives of the partner international organizations.  
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia continues to support the potential authors and together with the partners starts trainings / workshops on the issues of copyright protection, construction of school textbooks, modern methods and sustainable development of teaching from April 21, 2017.
A Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of vocational education was signed by and between the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, company “Rustavi Steel” and Rustavi vocational college “Modus”.
The President of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) - Professor David Gordon and the head of the same organization - Sobhann Fitzpatrick visited Georgia.
In cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, International Non-Governmental Organization Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB), with the financial support of the Directorate General of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, is implementing the project “We are ready! Education for security, reduction of disaster risk by inclusive approach”,... Read More
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia announces registration of the first graders for the 2017-2018 academic years.
IDP Livelihood Agency has been implementing IDP vocational education program since 2016. The program aims to support socially vulnerable IDPs enrolled in state vocational colleges, namely, reimbursement of transportation or residential rent. The program provides for criteria that program administration commission is guided by.  
Rustavi Vocational College “Modus” is preparing for acceptance of the applicants at the professional programs. First Deputy Minister of Education and Science Ketevan Natriashvili and Deputy Minister Lia Gigauri attended the registration process; they also met with the schoolchildren attending the open day.
With regard to International Day of Sport and for promotion of healthy lifestyle sports events festival was held on Vake Park territory with students of Tbilisi schools and their teachers participating.
Today Georgian language pilot program, joint effort of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgian and the Embassy of Georgia in Greece, was launched at Athens Public School N 50 for Georgian schoolchildren and first lessons were given. 
Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, Minister of Education and Science Aleksandre Jejelava and the Minister of Agriculture Levan Davitashvili attended several events in Kachreti Vocational College “Aisi” today.
Within the framework of project “Study and rest together” aiming to promote healthy lifestyle in adolescents up to 300 schoolchildren were visited by Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Lia Gigauri in Bakuriani Settlement. 
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia hosted the parents of pupils of the integrated classes with autism spectrum disorder in Tbilisi and Rustavi public schools in relation to the World Autism Awareness Day.
From 2013, one of the priorities for the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and for the Government of Georgia, in general, is to reform the vocational education system for the purpose of its improvement and development. 
Georgian National Film Center (GNFC) starts a new season of the project “Cinema at School”. In this regard today, the Minister of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia Mikheil Giorgadze, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia Lia Gigauri and the Director of the Georgian National Film Center Zurab Maghalashvili held press conference.
Aleksandre Jejelava introduced the main directions of development of education and science of Georgia, current and planned projects to the representatives of diplomatic corps and international organizations.
Special program for autistic pupils has been functioning since 2013.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and the Innovations and Technology Agency has launched a two-day “hackathon”, in which the groups of students of vocational institutions take part for creation of prototypes of innovative and high-tech idea. 
The Government of Georgia offers distance learning of Georgian language to the compatriots residing abroad. A special program was developed for teachers of distance learning within this project.
San Diego State University rugby team visited Georgia within celebration events dedicated to 25-year anniversary of diplomatic relations between the United States of America and Georgia. 
By the Initiative of Georgian Publishers and Booksellers Association (GPBA), Teimuraz Murgulia, the deputy minister of Education and Science of Georgia held a working meeting with Jose Borghino, head of International Publishers Association and Gvantsa Jobava, GPBA chair. 
Korneli Kekelidze National Center of Manuscripts under the Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia organized an exhibition under the title - Pages of European History of Georgia.
For the second time, a new group of up to 300 people travelled to Bakuriani. The children of almost all small public schools from various regions will spend one week in Bakuriani to participate in interesting, funny and various sport or creative activities.
Eight graduates of the faculty of web-design and web-developing of the vocational college IT Academy founded the company Web House. 
Within the framework of the project to Support Development of Healthy Lifestyle Skills in Youth, for the first time in the sport history, Georgian Handball Federation created a training module for sport teachers of public schools. The presentation of the training module was held at Tbilisi No161 Public School.
Under the initiative of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, a new project Learn More through Playing will be launched. The project aims to put more spirit into the study process at schools and teach various school subjects in a different format. 
Upper grade children visited I. Tsinamzgvrishvili Public College and participated in the Open Door Day event. They toured around the college and received information about the vocational education and current training programs.
Lia Gigauri, deputy minister of Education and Science visited public schools No20 and No24.
Recently, Media and public have been actively discussing the issue of new textbooks and their approval. Even though, the Ministry works with all stakeholders, there are some forces who try to make a political topic out of it.
Within the framework of the Project for Professional Development of Teachers and School Directors under the Millennium Challenge Account Georgia, LEPL National Center for Teacher Professional Development will offer a training course ‘’Active Tuition of Subjects’’ to more than 7000 teachers of all public schools countrywide. 
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia is implementing a distance learning project of the Georgian language for Georgian children living abroad. The children of 5-15 years of age with zero, minimal or average level of knowledge can participate in the project.
In cooperation with the “Social Inclusion Support Subprogram” of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and organization “Berilus”, the exhibition dedicated to the International Roma Day was organized.
Aleksandre Jejelava, Vice Prime Minister of Georgia and minister of education and science hosted Abuzar Ibrahim, head of Iranian organization - Islamic Culture and Relations.
Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia is announcing launch of registration for the persons seeking vocational education.
Trainings cycle for pupils, educators, school psychologists and parents was launched for the first time in Georgia, aimed at providing comprehensive thorough information to task groups on the measures to take for violence eradication and its prevention in adolescents.
National English Language Spelling Competition (NESC-GE) is an analogous of an American project Spelling Bee. This year, the fifth competition was held in Georgia and involved the children of VIII-XII grades from 12 regions of Georgia. The competition consists of three stages.
Within the partnership program with San Diego State University Georgia and American Chamber of Commerce, presentation of the rehabilitated chemistry laboratories was held at Tbilisi State University.
A scheduled working meeting of the National Vocational Education Council was held, attended by social partners and representatives of line Ministries. The meeting was led by Aleksandre Jejelava, the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia continues cooperation with the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. (MIA Academy). A Memorandum was signed between them today by Lia Gigauri, Deputy Minister of Education and Science and Givi Mikanadze, Rector of MIA Academy.
International Francophonie and the French language Day was celebrated at the National Center for Teacher Professional Development. Lia Gigauri, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, took part in the event, organized by the French Institute of Georgia.
A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed with the Ministry of Education and Science in the frames of “Save Water” campaign, organized by “Georgian Water and Power” Company.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia continues consideration of the draft law on Vocational Education. This time, a working meeting held involved representatives of Vocational and Higher Education Institutions.
In relation to World Down Syndrome Day Lia Gigauri, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, visited pupils with Down syndrome at Tbilisi Public School No 198. She took part in the activities dedicated to this day alongside with them.
There was a presentation held of “World 2017”, an annual publication of the journal “Economist”, as well as a conference on education issues, organized by “Georgia Today Group”.
Projects implemented in support for inclusive education
Lia Gigauri, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, attended awards ceremony at a final round of a contest “Photosynthesis” and Niko Ketskhoveli Prize 2017. Various prizes were given to schoolchildren there.
Aleksandre Jejelava, Vice Prime Minister of Georgia, minister of Education and Science received an invitation from the school children and attended Nouruz Bairam celebration event.
Under the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science, an unprecedented pilot project was launched together with State Sport University – Active Sport for all Schools.
Central Eurasian Leaders Alliance (CELA) is conducting a two-day regional conference in Georgia under the title – The Role of Innovations in the 21st century Georgia. Aleksandre Jejelava, vice prime minister and minister of education and Science of Georgia opened the conference.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia launched a new large-scale project Free Lessons to facilitate improvement of the quality of education, increase motivation of children to study, expand opportunities for informal education and contribute to creating an interesting and creative school life.
Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia is the first state authority to sign a sectoral agreement with the free trade union.
There are number of ongoing pilot projects taking place under the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science. Lia Gigauri, deputy minister of Education and Science held a meeting with school directors in Borjomi to review these initiatives and to support the directors in creating an efficient and child-oriented environment at their schools.    
Under the EU funding, Civil Society Institute organized a conference dedicated to distance learning in Georgia. The Conference aimed to evaluate current situation in the area of online learning in Georgia, to identify current challenges and opportunities and to promote this issue.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia hosted the delegation of millennium challenge funds from the Kingdom of Morocco and El Salvador Republic visiting Georgia on a study tour.
რექტორთა საბჭოს მორიგი სხდომა ამჯერად, თბილისის სახელმწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტში გაიმართა და მას საქართველოს ვიცე-პრემიერი, განათლებისა და... Read More
IX graders visited Akhaltsikhe Castle within the framework of Free Lessons. The excursion was dedicated to the topic – Georgian history and Samtskhe Javakheti. The pupils from four public schools also toured the historical museum of Samtskhe Javakheti.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia hosted the coordination meeting of donors and international organizations engaged in the area of vocational education. 
Within the cycle of information days of the program Horizon 2020, the Ministry of Education and Science held an information day dedicated to the healthcare component of the program. The event had participants from the medical sphere.
Aleksandre Jejelava, minister of education and science of Georgia visited 300 children who are spending their school holidays in Bakuriani within the project supporting healthy lifestyle development among youth. The minister attended several sport events and awarded the winners.
Dual Education, i.e. practice-based learning program has been successfully taking place in VET colleges of Georgia. The workshop ‘’Dual Vocational Education in Georgia – the latest development trends and perspectives’’ was dedicated to this issue.
Lia Gigauri, deputy minister of Education and Science of Georgia participated in the award ceremony of the companies winning the competition Business for Gender Equality, organized by the Millennium Challenge Account-Georgia
For the purposes of promoting healthy lifestyle, the Ministry of Education organized the competition of interviews and video reporting; the competition of illustrations and essays was conducted to celebrate 850 years anniversary of Shota Rustaveli.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, within the framework of School Competition Sub-program under the Program for encouraging successful pupils is announcing a competition in the information science.
Under the initiative of the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, in order to promote healthy lifestyle, the spring holidays were resumed in schools. Up to 300 children from small schools of various regions traveled to Bakuriani for the holiday.
Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia and Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are carrying out a joint project ‘’Study the History, Become a Researcher’’. 
Traditional meeting organized by the American Chamber of Commerce – Business Luncheon was dedicated to the topic of cooperation between education and private sectors.
Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia invites the persons interested in approval of textbooks for the primary level for the meeting on March 10, 15:00 p.m. 
The students of chemistry-bio-chemistry and computer engineering at San Diego State University Georgia held a meeting with up to 70 school pupils of ethnic minorities. The students presented chemical experiments and creative games which are used at the American university during the study process.
There are several important projects initiated by the minister of Education and Science of Georgia currently being implemented in a pilot regime. The activities and recent news related to these projects became the main topic of the meeting held by Lia Gigauri, deputy minister of Education and Science and Mariam Jashi, head of the parliamentary committee of education and science. 
Aleksandre Jejelava, Vice Prime Ministerof Georgia and the minister of Education and Science had a meeting with active parents, members of parents’ clubs to personally congratulate with the Mothers’ Day and wish them a lot of success in their lives.
Aleksandre Jejelava, minister of Education and Science held a regular meeting with the members of School Directors’ Board. The Minister briefly reviewed the new initiatives, the majority of which are carried out as pilot projects and will be successfully established in all public schools in the nearest future.
The Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia launched a new large-scale project Free Lessons to facilitate improvement of the quality of education, increase motivation of children to study, expand opportunities for informal education and contribute to creating an interesting and creative school life.
For the first time in the history of Georgia, the management authority of the European Football organized UEFA Summit in Georgia. The presidents of football federations from 14 countries, the representatives of the ministries of education, sport and youth affairs attended the summit. 
Within the framework of the program “Access to Inclusive Education”, the Tbilisi City Hall continues to provide the children with special educational needs and disabilities with adapted transport. For this purpose, the City Hall purchased four new adapted mini-buses. Tbilisi City Hall, together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, has selected 11 public schools that... Read More
The Millennium Challenge Account has announced a winner team of the Millennium Innovation Competition, which will travel to NASA in the United States and take part in the Educational Program of the Cosmic Center University. Independent Experts Commission has announced three best teams of senior pupils, who have presented projects in innovations, new technologies and natural sciences. Second and... Read More
A new draft law on “Vocational Education “has been prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia in consideration of a comprehensive analysis of the “Law of Georgia on Vocational Education”, Strategy for Reform of Vocational Education, Social-economic Development Strategy of Georgia (“Georgia 2020), EU-Georgia Association Agreement, local context, as... Read More
By initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, every pupil will be given an opportunity to reveal his/her talent in different fields of art. Artistic circles will be established in schools and interesting lessons of art will be conducted, as it is important for the school pupils to get interested in art and to develop harmoniously.
Subsequent winter school of “Civic Initiatives Platform” was held, during which Aleksandre Jejelava met with the school pupils and delivered a lecture on topic “Education and Leadership”.